Friday, 13 February 2009


I have been reading through a paper by Shalni Gulati (2006) on 'Knowledge construction in online learning' this evening and find some of the discussion fascinating at it seems to relate to me this week.

She talks about issues of personal control and emotional engagement with the online environment in the sense that, the more positive these two aspects are, the greater the participation in a learning activity. Conversely, if these two areas are negative, there would logically follow a sense of disengagement with the process.

Currently, I am feeling the latter - other members of the group I am working with seem to be more 'at home' in the VLE and have demonstrated a very swift presence which I feel has grown stonger during the week. As I am, perhaps, less confident, and have certainly had a series of other pressure on my time (not trying to make lame excuses here!) I have not been as active in the dialgoue. Consequently, I am feeling somewhat left behind and to some extent excluded from developments - not sure whether this is just my paranoia, or whether it ties in with Gulati's ideas about a lack of acknowledgement leading to a more peripheral role within a group. I certainly feel less inclination to contribute as I'm feeling somewhat invisible to other members.

It seems rather ironic as we are supposed to be working on a collaborative project to develop our skills as online tutors. Wow - it all seems a bit gloomy now I come to write it down. Perhaps I'm just in a weird place (head-wise) at the momentm, but I think I'm in danger over over-analysing, so I'd better stop there for now...


  1. Hello John,
    It is great that you are able to examine your present feelings. Everyone is different and we are all different at different times. I think I left a comment earlier on your blog stating that you seem extremely busy at the moment. Obviously, this seems to be true.
    Personally, I am lucky with this course that my boss has allowed me extra time (and pay) to undertake this course. Added to this, my home situation is great at the moment. My beloved partner happens to be in France for the next week and so I have 'all the time in the world' to pay to this Oxford course.
    As the old Desiderata thing says: "Never compare yourself with anyone". We are lucky within the Green Team. Geli has cracked on with things and I have spent most of this afternoon, proof-reading and tidying up the Presentation. Just go along with things, leave this and do the other aspects of this week's task if you can. The course will soon be behind us all.
    Must go myself. Cheers for now, Alec Gill

  2. Thanks for that Alec - I have to say I'm feeling much better just now (could be the wine, of course) but will be adding a post to that effect in the next few minutes...
